2018 rooted artist in residence: rico young


Artist statement

IG: @youngportraits_

At a young age I can always remember being fascinated with art. My mother Joyce was an artist, I can remember her sketching police cars and other things. My mother inspired me to start sketching, at the age of five she taught me how to draw a muscle man. I was so amazed as to how easy she made it look to draw, so I started drawing as much as I could. I remember seeing a drawn portrait of my parents, it inspired me so much.

As a student growing up in school I would find myself drifting off and sketching in class, which sometimes got me into a lot of trouble. I continued to draw, as my passion grew so did my love for art. I started sketching automobiles, then portraits as many of my friends who were having babies. I just never stopped drawing and art became an addiction.

Later on, I got married and had two kids named Letrae and Malik and I drew portraits of them and gave them as gifts to their grandparents. My wife at that time started showing my art to others which led to many of my first commissions. I was so blown away that people loved my art just much as I did, and were willing to pay for it. The lord has giving me a gift, and he has blessed me in many ways of seeing how I bless others with art. I see art as a journey and I can’t wait to see where my career leads me.

My main inspirations are My lord, my mother, my family, a Russian painter named Slava, Nick Wu, and Carrivagio. I’m still growing as an artist and can’t wait to reach a level in which I can make a difference, and inspire others.

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